Be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings . . . for they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.  (Proverbs 4:20-22 ESV)

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Kelsey Weber

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Holistic Health

What is Holistic Health?

Holistic health is an integrative approach to healthcare, which recognizes the fact that the body, mind, and spirit are all connected and inseparable.

Holistic health aims to treat the “whole person” by aiming to discover and treat the underlying cause of a problem and by taking measures to prevent health issues before they develop in the body.

A fundamental part of holistic health is the recognition that health is not just the absence of disease but a delicate balance between each component. Understanding the many causes of imbalance and disharmony is the key to restoring health and wellness to the body.

True healing does not focus on merely treating the symptoms but on the underlying root causes of imbalance and disease, taking into account the fact that a person’s lifestyle, environment, habits, emotions, and relationships, all contribute and affect the health and wellness of the individual.  

The goal of holistic healing is to achieve maximum well-being, where every part of the body is functioning to the very best that is possible in the fallen world we live in.

A holistic approach to healing neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative methods uncritically. It does not view one field of science more highly than others, but seeks to evaluate what every field has to offer and weighs the options to see which method (or combination of methods) would be most beneficial to the health and wellness of the whole person.

Biblical Approach

My practice of holistic healing is Biblically based, acknowledging that God is the Creator of all things, and in control of all things, and is ultimately the one who holds the key to health and healing.

I recognize that the Bible has much to say on the topic of health and healing, and that even the Old Testament Levitical laws had much to do with showing God’s people the healthiest way to live.

Any amount of Bible study on the topic of health and healing will reveal the fact that there is so much more to health than what is merely physical. God has given us plants and the scientific knowledge to use what He has given us for healing and I believe that, as a general rule, God delights to work through what He has created and the systems He put into place. But there are certainly a lot of things that science cannot explain and certain situations in which God intervenes and works in a supernatural way.

As I seek to provide healthcare in many different settings, it is always my aim to use the tools, resources, and knowledge that God has given, while at the same time being intentional about seeking the will of God and open to however God would lead in each situation.

I believe in the incredible power of Jesus’ name, and not only acknowledge His ability to heal but also His willingness to do so, whether it be through natural or supernatural means.

Ultimately our lives are in His hands and our health should be to His glory!